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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Out with the old....

Let the healing begin! Today we moved the offices from King of Prussia to Phoenixville. Immediately after I moved the last of the last, the rains came. And, boy, did it rain! I could not help but wonder if this was natures way of cleansing the past, providing new growth for the future.
It seems a little easier to breathe, think, and just be....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Phase 1

We have 2 days before opening to the public and Phase 1 construction is nearly complete...we really are towing the line! We finally finished all of the painting. Next are the floors. Then we get to do the fun part, decorate! So many loose ends to tie up, but someone once told me, "if it ain't hard, it ain't worth it!"
If it wasn't for our good friends, we would have never been able to do this on our own. We have spent many sleepless nights going over and over the plans, executing them, and doing it all over again the next day! I owe so much gratitude (and treatment) to everyone! I love you guys!
The support from the community has been overwhelming! We have met all of the neighbors and they have been so genuine and inviting...exactly the energy you want surrounding a Wellness Center! We are just so excited to put this into gear!
Phase 2 should be complete by September, which includes the two yoga studio's.
Phase 3 is focusing on the winery, though we will start digging drains asap, then install the equipment. Which simply involves getting it out of storage. The hard part is waiting for the feds approval.
Someone called me an entrepreneur the other day, I kind of liked that!
So it goes, love to all!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We are a week away from our proposed opening! Everything is going the way it should, I suppose. The universe will never give you more than you can handle...even if, at times, it feels like enough.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Every day is a new day

With all the manic energy surrounding this amazing project, we have still been able to stay connected to the ground! It is rather like living double lives at the moment, but the blessings that have sustained us are:
Food, really good organic veggies from our friends at Door to Door Organics ( and they deliver). Friends, we have the most amazing friends in the world. Many whom have put their lives on hold to help us with ours. And they work for food (and beer:)
Fun, having 8000 square feet to play around in and dream in has been so much fun! I think everyone who has stepped foot in the building has done a cartwheel when nobody is looking. This just increases the energy in the place.
Breath, we take breaks with deep breathing. It helps us through the many snafu's we have faced, grounds us, and allows us to work in harmony and gratitude. This also allows us to not run away with thoughts of the future, like Ram Das says: BE HERE NOW.
Future, of course, one can not help thinking of future!
For all who have supported us in this adventure, thank you! We are forever grateful and our love runs deep!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Go time

its nearly go time...july 1 opening and we are working as hard as ever! Between meetings, painting, construction of walls, fixing mistakes, laying flooring, fixing mistakes, painting, spending money, and fixing mistakes we barley have time to live in the here and now. Though, it is all worth while and the giddiness of it all has sustained any pressure or promises.

Today is a step further towards a new tomorrow! See you all in tomorrow!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What the heck is fascia?

Fascia Background

Fascia has both generalized and specialized functions in the human organism. As such, it is the subject of a wide range of scientific research with many specializations of focus and emphasis. Similarly, fascia and its properties are of central importance to clinicians practicing in various conventional therapies and in the wide range of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities.

Recent scientific research in the field of the human fasciae has resulted in several significant findings. Combined, the results from the worldwide research activities constitute a body of significant and important data. It is our shared vision that it is time to gather together all the latest and best scientific information about the body’s connective tissue matrix.

Future conferences will continue to provide collegial settings for the mutual benefit and collaboration of basic scientists, academicians, and professionals engaged in the many clinical practices where fascia is an important consideration.

About Fascia

Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. It forms a whole-body continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support. Fascia interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, creating a unique environment for body systems functioning. The scope of our definition of and interest in fascia extends to all fibrous connective tissues, including aponeuroses, ligaments, tendons, retinaculae, joint capsules, organ and vessel tunics, the epineurium, the meninges, the periostea, and all the endomysial and intermuscular fibers of the myofasciae.

There is a substantial body of research on connective tissue generally focused on specialized genetic and molecular aspects of the extracellular matrix. However, the study of fascia and its function as an organ of support has been largely neglected and overlooked for many years. Since fascia serves both global, generalized functions and local, specialized functions, it is a substrate that crosses several scientific, medical, and therapeutic disciplines, both in conventional and complementary/alternative modalities.

Among the different kinds of tissues that are involved in musculoskeletal dynamics, fascia has received comparatively little scientific attention. Fascia, or dense fibrous connective tissues, nevertheless potentially plays a major and still poorly understood role in joint stability, in general movement coordination, as well as in back pain and many other pathologies. One reason why fascia has not received adequate scientific attention in the past decades is that this tissue is so pervasive and interconnected that it easily frustrates the common ambition of researchers to divide it into a discrete number of subunits which can be classified and separately described. In anatomic displays the fascia is generally removed, so the viewer can see the organs nerves and vessels but fails to appreciate the fascia which connects, and separates, these structures.

Clinician Perspective on Fascia

There is increasing interest in certain therapeutic communities in the role that fascia plays in musculoskeletal strain disorders such as low-back instability and postural strain patterns of all types, fibromyalgia, pelvic pain, and respiratory dysfunction, chronic stress injures, as well as in wound healing, trauma recovery and repair. The Fascia Research Congress seeks to present recent findings that advance knowledge of biomechanical and adaptive properties of fascia that may account for clinical observations in health and dysfunction.

The expanding worldwide scientific research on the human fascial tissues forms a body of knowledge pertinent to a wide range of professionals engaged in conventional and CAM modalities who serve individuals afflicted with specific pathologies or injuries of fascial tissue. The latest research will further the mechanistic understanding of many manual therapies and CAM modalities which contact, mechanically manipulate, penetrate, or otherwise involve fascial tissues.

(provided by the fascial congress,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Phoenixville Wellness Center is in full swing! We have signed a lease and the ball is rolling. 333 Morgan Street is our new home and we can't wait to open for biz! I welcome everyone to come and enjoy all that we will have to offer or just stop by for a visit! We look forward to the coming months and can't wait to share our little dream with everyone!